Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ethics - It's All About Perspective

We all grew up with a certain set of values, handed down from our parents, family, friends and surroundings. We develop our own ethics and change as we grow older, explore, and learn about the world around us. What makes your ethics better than your neighbors? Who says you are right and they are not?

Life Ethics - It's all about perspective.

Ethics is defined in Wikipedia as a moral philosophy, a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality — that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime, etc. The basics are 90% of the world's belief system such as don't steal and don't kill. There are many ethics that are defined by different people different ways, such as sexual orientation or preferences, religion, friendship choices, drinking, smoking or drug choices. A religious person might say that 2 people of the same sex that love each other is wrong or someone else that doesn't understand certain sexual preferences might condemn all who practice certain beliefs.

Morals and Ethics

I have had many health issues and a couple of close calls with life and death in my life that have made me who I am today and changed how I view the world around me. I see life as a precious gift that you should embrace with both arms, run to greet everyday, enjoy and live to the fullest you possibly can. I don't want to be one of those people that is too afraid of what others think, or to rock the boat, to pursue life. I want to live with as little 'what ifs' and regrets as possible. Now, I admit I do regret that I can't have my children here with me and my Padrone, to enjoy Italy and a true loving situation between two people. I know that my decision has affected them in many ways. I accept that and take total responsibility for it. But, I hope they will come to know the complete truth when they are older and see why I did what I did.

Now, enough about me and why I chose this topic. I want you to take a deep look inside yourself and ask are you a judgmental person? If you are, why? What makes you so right about something? If a person is living their life and not hurting anyone, if everything they do is legal and consensual, then who are you to judge? What in your own life could be judged as wrong and against the laws of nature? What things do you do in your own daily lives that others can say 'that is not right and completely wrong'? I'm sure if you take an honest look at yourself, your own life and beliefs, your family and friends, you will discover many. There are many types of people in this world. That is one of the things that makes it such a wondrous place to live! Of course there are bad, mean, and evil people. I am not talking about those people. I am talking about everyone else. The average person.

Living a Double Life

Did you know that the 'average' person in fact lives a double standard, if not a double life? It could be your neighbor, your relative, your spouse, your priest, anyone... During the day, they work a regular job. They have families that they love and take care of. They are coaches for their kids ball teams. They participate a lot in the PTA. They do everything to make everyone around them think they are 'normal', that they are just like their neighbors. But when no one is looking, whether it is behind closed doors or online in a virtual world, many people have alternate personalities.

Online Infidelity

Behind closed doors, they yell and beat their kids or their wives. Behind closed doors, they have dirty, nasty sex that would be condemned by the majority of the populous. Behind closed doors, they are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Behind closed doors, they create alternate personalities and fantasize about being with someone of the same sex, what it would be like to have more than one partner, or to indulge in some kind of 'weird' fetish. I know many of you fit into one of these categories. You will never admit it to anyone in the light of day, to your partners or spouse, your friends or family, even some of you, to yourselves.

Behind Closed Doors

It is perfectly fine to have fantasies. It's fine to indulge in consensual, alternative sex practice. It's natural to indulge in consensual fetishes. All of it is ok as long as no one is hurt, everyone is consensual, and overage, and its not illegal. And if it's illegal, well, if it's done to yourself, then that is your choice. My point is take a good hard look at yourself and your thoughts. Open your mind to new possibilities, and don't judge other so harshly because of your own hang ups or beliefs.

Don't be judgemental

Just because you believe something is wrong, does not mean it is. Remember, there is always someone waiting to judge you.

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