Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 7 Summary Operation Get Fit No Excuses

This week’s summary is going to be brief because there really hasn’t been many things happening. 

Week 7 has finished with a frozen tundra outside our door! This past week, Europe has been covered in a polar vortex which made the temperatures go below freezing with extremely high winds. For the past two days, snow and ice have blanketed the entire county! Some places in the south haven’t seen snow since the 1950s, yet they received more than 5 inches.

Now that you know the weather has been horrendous, let’s talk about the good news. Thanks to technology, I’ve been able to still get great cardio and toning workouts everyday utilizing many different training videos online. The internet is a marvelous tool to find a routine for any fitness level.

This week, I’ve mixed it up using Walk at Home, Toning, HIIT, and Yoga videos. I personally like using videos that are 20 minutes or less because I never get bored this way, nor does my body get used to the same moves so that the exercise becomes ineffective. Using different trainers and techniques allows my body to workout many different areas with varying results. It also helps me figure out what types of exercises I like and which ones I don’t. 

Week 8 is probably going to be more in home only workouts as the weather isn’t looking much better. As soon as I get a halfway decent day, I’m going back out walking. I really miss it!

If you have been following my Get Fit journey, you know that I have changed the what I eat. I don’t eat regular bread or pasta, anything with sugar, sweets, sodas, or red meat. What I have been eating is all soy based foods and I’ve been experimenting with making low carb breads using different recipes. The first one I tried tasted great but had too many eggs in it and ended up tasting too ‘eggy’. I have found others that use almond or coconut flour and less eggs so will let you know how they come out. 

I’m still taking my vitamins and supplements daily and drinking herbal teas, sweetened with Stevia. Green and black teas are excellent in antioxidants and give me a boost of energy. I did make a couple of drinks with Tumeric called Golden Milk after my workouts and found they helped reduce any discomfort or swelling I was experiencing. 

Overall, I feel much better than I did when I started. I’ve stuck to my workouts, even on days when I wasn’t feeling like doing them. I am getting into a routine that is helping exercise just become a habit and I feel guilty if I don’t do it. I know everyone is busy with daily life, but it’s worth finding 30 minutes a day in your hectic schedule for exercise. 

I have also noticed that the longer I am not eating sweets and other things I’ve given up in my daily nutrition, the less I crave them. I feel like I’m training my mind and my body to be feel better, get better, and be better in general.

Thank you for taking the time out to come along with me on my journey and we shall see you next week. 

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