Thursday, February 1, 2018

Operation Get Fit No Excuses: Week 3 Summary

Week 3 has finished and Week 4 has begun! I can’t believe that the time has flown by so fast. I have to say I’m surprised and proud of myself that I’ve continued to walk and exercise every day despite health issues that pop up and crap weather. Some days have been a struggle for me to actually get up and go but I did and I’m extremely happy that I did!

I’ve learned many things about my body that I didn’t know and had to adjust my diet and stretching times to accommodate some weird sore muscles. 

Here are this week’s main points that I think are important to touch on:

  1. Stretching. Remember that it’s very important to stretch all your muscles, this includes feet, ankles, and toes. Oftentimes, we forget the importance of stretching parts we think don’t need it but they do. After so many weeks of daily exercise, my toes and the balls of my feet started cramping up and that’s when I realized that I forgot about stretching them. I searched for videos and information and found a great many different techniques that has helped. Look for ones that you are comfortable with doing.
  2. Weight. I can not emphasize enough the importance of not weighing yourself every day or even once a week. Chasing a number on a scale will discourage even the most dedicated person. Many people don’t realize that while losing weight, you can gain lean muscle mass that will change your weight. If you want to record your journey, measure the same body parts every month on the same day. That should help you stay encouraged without going crazy chasing some magical number.
  3. Food. You have to eat. It’s that simple. It’s what and how much you eat that you have to be aware of. I don’t eat fruits and vegetables. I have never been able to because my system rejects it. Never figured out why, it just does. For my unusual dietary needs, I have substituted sugar for Stevia, which is a natural sweetner. I have substituted bread for a tortilla, so instead of a Chicken sandwich, I will have a chicken wrap. I also snack on a mixed variety of nuts that are all natural, no salt or preservatives added. I drink water all day. Probably 2 liters per day on average. I also will drink warm tisanes which are all natural, caffeine free teas. So, don’t stop eating to lose weight, just change little things that you do eat and that will make a huge difference.
  4. Clothes. While I have said in the past that you do not have to go out and buy all new fitness gear, if you are planning to walk/run outside, make sure you have the right clothes for the weather. If it’s raining, invest in a good waterproof jacket. If it’s cold, look into warm but lightweight outwear so you don’t harm your body parts in extreme weather. Mainly, use common sense.
Those are all the topics for this week. I want to thank each of you that continue to follow me on my journey to get into better shape. Week 4 Day 1 is officially coming to a close and we’re getting closer to the next set of measurements and pictures of my progress that I will reveal in my blog the week of February 10th. 


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