Having to deal with all these adjustments and the stresses that they can put on life and relationships, I was lucky I did not have any seizures. I don’t just have seizures, I have many other things that happen due to misfirings in my brain. So on that note, here’s what has happened in weeks 11 and 12 in my ongoing lifestyle change to get fit and healthier.
Week 11 started out great. It was normal. I exercised every day and kept my normal new way of eating (which now is all plant, vegetable, and soy based products). About midway into week 11, I started exhibiting symptoms of an ongoing epilepsy attack. Over the next 3 to 4 days, I slept 10 to 14 hours. Another few days where I was awake and only slept about two or three hours. There were days where my balance was so bad that I needed help just walking anywhere, including just to the bathroom and back. I didn’t have any actual seizures during this time. Those came later at the beginning of week 12. So during this entire 6 to 7 day cycle, I was unable to exercise for two days. I kept up with my exercise when I could. This includes doing workouts in the house when I was too afraid to go outside to walk because of my health problems.
I did keep a constant watch over my measurements and my actual weight and they did not go up, thankfully. They have remained constant or actually gone down some. Throughout my week long epilepsy flair-up, there were a lot of moments in which I felt guilty. I did status posts to my fans and followers who are with me on my journey to get healthier and get fit, about my problems and my feelings, and the actual days that I did or did not exercise.
I have to say, when I told them that I felt guilty when I wasn’t able to actually workout, they helped me realize it was not my fault and I should not feel guilty. It’s definitely easier to say that after those wonderful words and comments, I realized that I should not feel guilty or scared about gaining weight or getting even a centimeter larger during this period. I also realized it was my mind and my emotions wreaking havoc with me.
So let me tell all of you, those on diets and working out, that are struggling with emotions, especially negative feelings towards yourself and your progress: DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO TRICK YOU! Again, I understand that this is easier said than done oftentimes, because we can’t help how we feel and a lot of times we can’t help the negative thoughts towards ourselves that come from our subconsciousness. But, you do have the ability inside you to tell yourself that sometimes you are not going to lose that extra pound every single week, or an extra inch or centimeter when you measure parts of your body. There are going to be days in which you don’t want to exercise or you mentally or physically just are unable to. These are the days that you have to realize you are doing your best, but sometimes you have to take a day off.
When you have these feelings or days in which you can’t exercise, and I’m not talking about the days in which you just want to be lazy, think about all the days that you have exercised, and that you do continue to eat in a healthy way that’s good for you and your body type. Remind yourself that as soon as you are able, you will get out there and return to your exercise routine. I had to do it for myself during my long cycle of epilepsy related issues and I want you to do it also. We cannot control chronic health problems anymore then we can control the weather. The only thing we can control is how we choose to react to the problem.
So let me tell all of you, those on diets and working out, that are struggling with emotions, especially negative feelings towards yourself and your progress: DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO TRICK YOU! Again, I understand that this is easier said than done oftentimes, because we can’t help how we feel and a lot of times we can’t help the negative thoughts towards ourselves that come from our subconsciousness. But, you do have the ability inside you to tell yourself that sometimes you are not going to lose that extra pound every single week, or an extra inch or centimeter when you measure parts of your body. There are going to be days in which you don’t want to exercise or you mentally or physically just are unable to. These are the days that you have to realize you are doing your best, but sometimes you have to take a day off.
When you have these feelings or days in which you can’t exercise, and I’m not talking about the days in which you just want to be lazy, think about all the days that you have exercised, and that you do continue to eat in a healthy way that’s good for you and your body type. Remind yourself that as soon as you are able, you will get out there and return to your exercise routine. I had to do it for myself during my long cycle of epilepsy related issues and I want you to do it also. We cannot control chronic health problems anymore then we can control the weather. The only thing we can control is how we choose to react to the problem.
Now, week 13 is here and today is day 1. For me, it started off great because I did a brisk walk with Padrone this morning for about 15 minutes, then slept a little bit and did my own normal routine this afternoon. The weather forecast is supposed to be nice for the next few days, so I am going to try and get out for long and brisk walks. I don’t know if I will walk outside every day for the next few days or if I will mix it up using various online videos I found for cardio and toning workouts from home. Every day is new and I take it as that. I actually never know from day to day how my workout routine will go until that actual day arrives.
So now you know some of my own struggles that I deal with or have been dealing with for the past two weeks and the reason I did not do a summary for week 11 and had to do another combination summary. Thank you so much for your continued support and for following me with my struggles. If you ever need a cheerleader someone in your corner, let me know and I would be happy to be your cheerleader.
So now you know some of my own struggles that I deal with or have been dealing with for the past two weeks and the reason I did not do a summary for week 11 and had to do another combination summary. Thank you so much for your continued support and for following me with my struggles. If you ever need a cheerleader someone in your corner, let me know and I would be happy to be your cheerleader.
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